Well 2012, that was hard. I first want to start out by saying I appreciate all of your emails, messages and phone calls, it means the world to me that so many of you care about myself and the music that I make. It’s been a tough couple of months, my last performance of my Summer tour wasn’t a club, bar, festival or theatre, it was a funeral for my friend Cassie. Cassie was a great friend and also a fan of my music and her family asked me to sing at her memorial. Of course that was an honor and when someone asks you to do something like that, you do it. Tyler was her soul mate and one of my best friends and he knew her favorite song was “Peggy O” so I changed a few words around and did my best to bid her farewell. I should have known that was a sign of things to come. On December 18th I got a phone call that I never in a million years would have expected, my best friend, musical partner and just the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met, Christopher “Grubbs” Grubner, had left this planet. I haven’t been the same since I got that call. My heart is broken into 1,000 pieces and I can’t remember the last time I cried that hard for that long. Chris was going to come to New Orleans this Summer and we were going to tour together, with him opening for me every night and with him not here anymore, I’ve cancelled all 2013 performances and don’t plan on going on the road anytime soon. I’m sorry to anyone that was looking forward to seeing me, but I just can’t bring myself to step on a stage at the moment. I do know that I will return and when I do it’s going to be special and it will be dedicated to my beautiful fallen friend. We talked almost every night about everything and had huge plans for the future and with him no longer here, it changes my entire life. So I must give myself sometime to grieve and then figure out what my next step will be. Again, thank you for all the messages, it keeps me going and lifts my spirits. After being on the road 3-4 times a year since 2009, it was time for a break anyway, I just never imagined it would be like this. So please, call that person you haven’t talked to in some time, if your fighting with a friend, make amends because you never know what wind may sweep in and change your whole world. Lastly, be kind to each other and think about others feelings, you never know what kind of impact you can have on someone, so BE NICE! One of his favorite songs of mine was “Automatic Dream” which can be found featured on the front page. Rest in Peace my beautiful buddy Grubbs, I’m so glad that every time we talked, we always ended with “love ya man”. Save a spot for me wherever you are and I’ll be sure to shine as bright as I can here, so you can see me. Love ya man : (


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