Another great run of shows! My first time touring thru Florida was quite an adventure, I made alot of friends and new connections and I will be heading back there on my next tour for sure. I’ve already had a couple of really sweet offers, one is for a 2 week stay at a resort! So I get a free room on the beach, free meals, free beer, I get to play music every night and then I get paid, ummmmmmm yeah, sounds like rock n roll to me! Unfortunately, Jason Frilot got into one hell of a car wreck on the way to the New Orleans show and he messed up his arm pretty bad. It really sucked. He’s doing much better now, I talked to him last week and he’s healing up nicely, if your reading this “I LOVE YOU BROTHER”! OK, so the rest of the tour pretty much went on without a hitch. Hurricane Issac made it so we couldn’t get back to NOLA so we just extended the run and took our time heading back. I’m really gonna miss touring as I am finally taking a LONG break from the road. Since 2009 I’ve either been booking a tour, rehearsing for a tour or ON tour. It’s been an amazing journey and has helped me sell over 15,000 CD’s and I’ve made countless fans, friends and connections but I need to wipe the board clean and start something fresh. I have this idea, it’s gonna be EPIC but it’s gonna take some time to work this next project out. It’s ambitious and it’s going to take all my energy to accomplish and I can’t have the pressures of the road on my mind. I’m hoping that by Summer 2013 I’ll be ready to unveil this new project but I can’t put a time limit on this. It’s never been done before and I must do it correct. I’m really going to miss all of the people I see out on the road, the festivals, the traveling, and I’m really going to miss performing but I’m certain when I finish this project it will all be worth it in the end. My hope is that this new endeavour will open up a whole bunch of new doors and expand my horizons. I need to keep growing, shifting and creating. I do have alot of recored material that is unreleased that I’ll be putting out, so I’m not forgotten, but my main focus will be on my next adventure. It will also give me some time to see my family and be a “normal” person for a little while. I really feel I owe it to my audience, myself and the AMAZING venues I play at, to give you guys something special. Something you’ll talk about the next day and want to come see over and over again. Well…….it’s in the works…..STAY TUNED FOLKS! Love you’s-Sean


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